Candid Art is participating in the National Charity Model Search to select “America’s Cutest Kid” and to raise funds for charity.
We’re looking for cute children ages 18 months to 14 years old to model for a portrait to be entered into the contest.
Models Search Special:
$25.00 entrance fee, which includes a 15 minute model session and one image submitted to the national gallery. Entrance Fee is per child. Photo Sessions must take place before March 25, 2009, so call for your appointment ASAP! All photographs must be taken between 1/1/09 and 3/25/09 to be eligible for the contest. Special package prices available for participants.
Finalists will be determined by online votes. Anyone may vote. Each vote is $1, and all proceeds from votes benefit the non-profit organization Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. (NILMDTS.org)
Grand prize national winner will be determined from the 50 city finalists. Winners selected by photography and modeling industry experts.
If your child is selected the national winner, you’ll receive many prizes, including a $5,000 US Savings Bond and a Canon PowerShot G10 digital camera.
If you’re interested in entering your child(ren), please call the studio at 540.446.5485 or 434.987.9587 For more information about the contest, go online to http://www.sandypucmodels.com/.