I announced a few months ago that I was accepted by the Charity Organization 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep' Last Friday evening I was called for the first time to provide my services. A young mother was in labor for her full term baby girl and no heartbeat was detected. The baby was born at approximately 03:00 am on June 28th, and I drove to UVA Hospital for my first NILMDTS shoot. It was a humbling experience. My prayers are with this young family as they grieve & struggle to heal. I know that my photographs are all this family will have in future years to remember this beautiful baby girl. For any parents who have suffered the loss of a child there is a wonderful support forum, for medical people, there is a forum for your input. Fellow photographers, if you think you would be able to provide these services, I urge you to check out the site. Give me a call, & I'll be happy to chat with you for a bit. Our artistry & gift can be an enormous step on the road to healing for these families.
www.nilmdts.org Peace, Dottie
Thank you for helping this family. Your gift will provide healing power that will go beyond what you can even imagine.
With warm regard,
Sandy Puc'
Co-Founder NILMDTS
Ditto to what Sam just wrote.
Thank you for the gift you have given this family.
Cheryl Haggard
Co Founder NILMDTS
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